Friday, May 19, 2006

I like it, I like it, I like it..

I saw Status Quo in concert a couple of days back. Now I must come clean about this - I have never been a Status Quo fan. And that is not because I did not like their music, but because I had never really listened to too much of their stuff. In fact, Rockin' All Over The World is the only song I remember having heard. And at the concert, it happened to be the only song, the chorus to which I could sing along to. Only the chorus which goes something like - I like it, I like it, I like it. And oh yes, the last Rock 'N' Roll Music / Johnny B Goode medley too :D But then those are not Status Quo songs.

Anyway, after having heard them, I officially declare that I am in love with their music. I didn't realise I had been missing sooo much in life.

Rick Parfitt (guitars, vocals)

Francis Rossi (guitars, vocals)

Andrew Bown (keyboards, vocals, guitar, harmonica)

John 'Rhino' Edwards (bass, vocals, guitar)

Matt Letley (drums)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ooh, baby baby, it's a wild world..

The person you see in the photograph above is the legendary singer-songwriter, Cat Stevens. Except he doesn't call himself that anymore. Apparently, he converted to Islam and rechristened himself Yusuf Islam after a near-death experience a long long time ago. Anyway, he was at a music store here a few days back for a CD signing session. I didn't get to talk to him - would have loved to. But got loads of photographs. And an autograph? Well, to be honest, I really didn't feel like asking for a Yusuf Islam autograph. And that's what he signs as these days.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The night I saw Pearl Jam in concert

Wednesday, May 3, 2006. I find myself at a Pearl Jam concert!! Yup, you read me right. And as it so happened, I was not in the audience. I was standing in the wings, my camera in hand, and my eyes full of disbelief. I mean, this is Pearl Jam we are talking about!!

I clearly remember the band kicking into the first song. But I am standing there totally stunned. Too stunned to start putting down the song names on my cellphone, the way I usually do at concerts. Too stunned to even click photographs. (So if you don't see photographs from that gig here, you know why.)

And then I wake up! :P Yes, this was a dream, this was ONLY a dream :(

Maybe it was the trauma of a tragic personal loss earlier in the day. Maybe it was all the buzz about their new album. Whatever the reasons for such a bizarre dream might be, it still remains a dream. And that has given me an idea for a future post - my "dream concerts".

To try and make up for all the torture I subjected you to in the past few minutes, here's a fantastic Rolling Stone interview with Eddie Vedder.
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