Saturday, December 31, 2005

Remo Fernandes..

Remo Fernandes, one of India's original rockers! These pictures are from a concert in his home state of Goa.. And boy o boy, does he still rock!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Of abandoned blogs and incompetent bloggers..

Normally, I would not consider myself technologically/technically challenged. In fact, at the risk of sounding rather immodest, I think I am better off than the average population. But when it comes to blogs and blogging, it seems to be a different story altogether. I kid you not, but it has taken me an hour at the very least to upload just these Indian Ocean pictures! And I am certain one doesn't need to commission a study to arrive at the conclusion that it's miserably slow. And I still haven't managed to figure out how to get the text in the correct place. So please to bear with me till I do, IF I do.

On a tangent, I used to have a blog once upon a long time ago. I had, if I recall correctly, exactly three posts on it before lethargy struck. And it doesn't help matters that I was not (probably still am not) comfortable 'baring my soul' online for everyone to see. So goodbye bloggie it was.

Until now that is. And let me put up the disclaimers rightaway and upfront. These blogs (yes, I have very ambitiously put up two of them) are intended to carry only the photographs I click. So do not expect to see me writing too much :) And if I manage to stumble upon a really good (read 'easy to maintain' and 'free') photoblog, then even these might cease to exist. End of disclaimer. And end of rambling.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Indian Ocean in concert... continued

Friday, December 09, 2005

Indian Ocean in concert...

Indian Ocean is one India's premier home-grown bands. Their music, well, you must excuse my laziness, but the easiest way to describe their music would be "fusion". But it is not quite anything like what I personally have heard so far. I have had the good fortune of seeing them live in concert on atleast a couple of occasions. And boy o boy, do they rock!!

For somebody who has not yet been introduced to their music, the one album to pick up would be Kandisa. This is an interesting blend of sounds and sensibilities from across India. And probably beyond too, for the title track is sung in Aramaic, the language believed to have been spoken by Jesus Christ.

For more stuff on this fantastic band, visit

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